Course description

This unique HR training session, focusing on the connection between HR practices and dopamine, aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to:

  • Understand the role of dopamine in motivation and engagement: Participants will gain a basic understanding of dopamine's function in the brain and its influence on employee motivation, focus, and overall satisfaction.

  • Identify HR practices that trigger dopamine release: The training will explore specific HR initiatives and strategies that can stimulate dopamine production in employees, leading to increased engagement and performance. This might include recognition programs, meaningful work assignments, and opportunities for growth.

  • Develop a dopamine-driven HR strategy: Participants will learn how to design and implement HR policies and practices with a focus on triggering dopamine release and fostering a more motivated and engaged workforce. This could involve creating a culture of recognition, promoting autonomy, and providing opportunities for mastery and achievement.

  • Recognize the limitations of dopamine-based strategies: The training will acknowledge that a healthy work environment requires more than just dopamine. Participants will learn to create a holistic approach that balances dopamine-related strategies with other important factors like work-life balance, well-being initiatives, and fair compensation.

  • Apply the dopamine-based approach to specific HR tasks: The training will provide practical guidance on integrating the learned concepts into daily HR activities, such as performance management, recruitment, and employee development. This could involve designing more engaging performance reviews, crafting compelling job descriptions, and creating personalized development plans.

By the end of this session, HR professionals will be equipped to leverage the power of dopamine to create a more motivated, engaged, and ultimately, high-performing workforce 

What will i learn?

  • Building a strong and smart HR team


  • Laptop internet

Frequently asked question


Monisha M






Skill level


Expiry period




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