Course description

Does your head spin when someone mentions artificial intelligence? It’s understandable. LinkedIn and Twitter (fine…X) are rife with newly minted AI experts and tech bros sharing their latest 27-step process for gaming algorithms and automating entire marketing programs.

That’s not useful for most ground-level marketers.

What can help? Knowing which everyday marketing challenges the technology can solve for us right now is a great start. So, I reached out to several marketers I admire to see how they’re using AI in marketing.

The response was outstanding. They shared specific, tactical examples, plus the prompts and AI tools they use—everything you need to repeat their processes.

What will i learn?


Frequently asked question

AI is used across many aspects of marketing, but some common applications include: Personalization: AI analyzes customer data to tailor messaging, product recommendations, and content to individual preferences. Predictive Analytics: AI forecasts future customer behavior based on past data, allowing marketers to target the right audience at the right time. Content Creation: AI can generate content ideas, write different copy variations, and optimize content for search engines. Marketing Automation: AI automates repetitive tasks like email marketing campaigns, freeing up marketer time for strategy. Social Media Management: AI monitors social media trends, analyzes customer sentiment, and even schedules posts.

Kamal Khokhani




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